Chapter Editors


Determine under which audience the How-to Guide should appear. There are separate post types so that they can be leveraged properly with queries.

Initiate the document creation

Once logged in, from the Menu Bar, choose the “How-To Guides” item, then select the desired audience.

The screen to create a new how-to-chap-editors” post type will be displayed with the blank content and configuration (NOTE the URL)

Section 1

This is the content that would be displayed if the DEFAULT template were to be used (see below for changing post templates). Most importantly is the Post Title and whether it would be visible on the web site.

Section 2

These are the post type’s configured fields. This information will be displayed based on the template being used (by default this is the GLOBAL template which has been assigned to the post type).

An editor screen is available to create formatted content. Additionally, it can include media and contact forms, but would typically use headings, paragraphs and bulleted/numbered lists.

If additional images would like to be displayed in the post, they can be added to the gallery and referenced in the post content

Finally are the Post Restriction controls that use various plugins for permission management.
Membership Subscription Plan
Profile Builder Role configuration
or other role configurations
Section 3

This section exposes the Page and Post parameters.

• Until the post has been published, the URL is suffixed a “auto-draft”.
• Once the Title has been assigned and the post published, the URL and slug will be updated accordingly.

• These attributes are optional for the post.
• NOTE the Post Template is configured as “Global”.
Once the content has been added, the post can be published.
Note that the URL has been updated.

The system temporarily displays a link to view the post.

When selected from the main browser, the components are displayed in a consistent format with little need for formatting and coding.