Dear Members,
It is renewal time for many members. As this is our first renewal cycle with the new online system, there may be some difficulties. Please bear with us as we work through the kinks.
If you are having difficulty with your renewal, please be patient and follow these tips below;
1. Cannot Log In -If you don’t know your password to log in, go to the lost password tool and enter either your user name (found in the renewal email) or the email address we sent the notice to. A password will be sent to you.
2. The emails aren’t all that polite or helpful -We are working on word smithing the renewal and expiry emails. They will be much better next time, we promise.
3. When I try to renew my OUC Membership and Insurance it says “DO NOT RENEW” or is a crazy price -Expiry notices should not have gone out with renewal links as each year we have to offer a new package for OUC. Please go to your account page and memberships tab ( and purchase the 2013 package.
4. I’ve never paid for anything online or am nervous about giving out my credit card information -SOS uses Paypal for clearing our credit card transactions. They are the worlds leading clearinghouse for online payments. They did over 70 billion dollars in transactions this year. Paying for things online is quite mainstream now. Your information is encrypted and secure. Give it a go.
When all else fails, contact Bernie Roy, the membership chair for help through the process (
Thanks for your patience.
Chris Phinney